Getting Started
Select the mentor you’d like to work with and choose from two flexible packages offering 5, 10, or 15 sessions. All mentoring sessions will be conducted via Zoom, based on the mentor's availability. Billing will be conveniently segmented on a weekly basis.
Essentials Package
Meeting Length: 30 Minutes
Frequency: Weekly/Biweekly
Foster Confidence / Inspiration
Provide a Role Model to Serve
as a Positive Example
Establishing Goals (short and long term)
Outline the Process
(how we can accomplish those goals)
Sleep Wellness Survey/Discussions
Hydration Wellness Survey /Discussions
5 Session @ $60/session
10 Sessions @ $55/session
15 Sessions @ $49/session
Meeting Length: 45 Minutes
Frequency: Weekly/Biweekly
Foster Confidence / Inspiration
Role Model to Serve as a Positive Example
Establishing Goals (short and long term)
Outline the Process (how we can accomplish those goals)
Parent Action Plan
Sleep Wellness Survey/Discussions
Hydration Wellness Survey /Discussions
Nutrition Discovery
Mental Wellness Strategies and Guidelines
Sport Specific Skills Tips/Tricks From Your Mentor
5 Session Pacakage: $80/session
10 Session Package: $75/session
15 sessions @$69/session